sexta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2010

VPF, week 36.

This was a really special week. The week after CONADE, lot's of thought are changing, so many thing happening, that it's hard to process and reflect about it.

Sunday we had the REPLAN, 9 a.m. till 7 p.m. And we left asking for more time to share and to discuss our ideas. It was a really great time, I think was the best REPLAN I participated.

Monday everything back to normal, lot's of e-mails, working all day, blah. At night, Amanda (VPTM) went to my home to make some sandwiches for me, Gui (VPIM) was there also. We spent 2 hours talking about our XP, our future, and off course a lot of shit :p.

This kind of moments are really special, talk freely about what you think, what you want to do next years, life planning, it's something that really make us growth and reflect about our life and which way we should go.

Tuesday I had a coach with my lovely coordinator (Hanae), here I cannot tell much about what we discuss. I just want to share this moment, because the VP to middle manager coaches is something that adds value to our job.

Wednesday was our EB meeting, it was impossible to discuss everything in less then 3 hours, so the topics was transfer to the next meeting. We talked about the 40 year, the OC was present also, DD, LCP elections, etc... Every meeting we increase the number of topics we are able to discuss, so we have more time for random moments :p.

Thursday was the Finance Team Day, I have a little logistic problem, so lost 30 minutes of hour agenda, but was not a big problem. We discussed about the Why we do it, based on the TED talk "How great leaders inspire actions", and the Dpaschoal workshop that we have at CONADE. Hanae made a dynamic that she learned with an Indian girl, she is the OCP form their selection process that are planning to select 200 member, LOL. Later we took a picture to send back to her.

Thursday also was Joana's goodbye. I was at her airport reception, so it was a really cool moment, but as I was late for the Team Day, I just said goodbye, best wishes, took some pictures and did not see she shipping. Till I left, she was not crying yet, can you believe?

That was my last week, next update I will talk more about my whole XP, but if I write more things here, Carol kills me :p. Hugs.

6 comentários:

  1. Very nice post Jon! :D ...I'd just like to have eaten Amanda's sandwitches also... :/ (EB crisis starting?)

  2. I just LOVE and MISS you my babe! Thanks for all =)

    Ps: Can u please put a SHORTER video next time?

  3. Jon, tu escreve como um engenheiro...mas um engenheiro com coração! tá ótimo o texto. =)

  4. Nossa é incrível como a informação circula dentro da AIESEC. Estava na Bélgica quando ouvi falar desse vídeo pela primeira vez! O.o' Esse post foi muito tudo muda e nada muda!

  5. Jooooooon: tu é meu vp mais amado do coração (não fica com ciumes phil, tu é meu ex-vp mais amado do coração)!

  6. a Nay já tá te tirando do cargo Phil XD (ex-vp)

    também fiquei com invejinha quando a Amanda falou que estava indo fazer sanduíches para você para passar a noite conversando... também quero marcar uma dessas contigo, dear Godfather e dear Di ó.ò

    damn it! o blog tá fazendo efeito
